09.00 -9.30 Registration and coffee
Moderators: Tim Adriaens (INBO) & Sophie Gryseels (UA)
09.30-09.40: Welcome (H. Leirs (UA) & S. Roels (BWDS))
09.40-10.15 Exotic emerging viruses (F. Drexler, Charité, GE)
Session 1: Projects
10.15-10.35 BioRodDis (H. Leirs, UA, B)
10.35-10.55 BIODIV-AFREID (J. Mariën, ITG, B)
10.55-11.15 Prezode (Z. Noga, Prezode, Int.)
11.15 - 11.45 Coffee break + posters
Session 2: The role of vectors
11.45-12.10 Vector-borne zoonoses (A. Lavazza, IZSLER, I)
12.10-12.35 Infection trials of mosquito's (A. Vanslembrouck, ITG, B)
12.35 - 13.35 Lunch + posters
Session 3: Mutating viruses and pandemics
13.35-14.00 Avian Influenza in new mammal/bird species (M. Steensels, Sciensano, B)
14.00-14.25 The bat reservoir (P. Maes, REGA, B)
Session 4 : Poster presentations
14:25-14:45 Selected Pitch presentations
14.45-15.15 Coffee break + posters
Session 5: Coming up next?
15.15-15.40 Borna viruses (V. Haring, FLI, GE)
15.40-16.05 EHD ao vector-borne risks in Belgium (C. Sohier & I. De Leeuw, Sciensano, B)
16.05-16.30: Final remarks & poster price
16.30-17.30: Reception
Hof van Liere, Stadscampus UA, Prinsstraat 13, Antwerpen